Soil Stabilization Methods and Materials

Soil Stabilization Methods and Materials What is Meant by Soil Stabilization? Soil stabilization is a process by which the physical properties of a soil are transformed to provide permanent strength gains before construction. Stabilized soils outperform non-stabilized...

The Importance of Soil Compaction in Construction

The Importance of Soil Compaction in Construction What is the Objective of Soil Compaction? Soil compaction is used to densify a soil by reducing the void space, or the amount of air, between soil particles. In other words, soil compaction occurs when soil particles...

Soil Compaction: Methods, Meaning, and Effects

Soil Compaction: Methods, Meaning, and Effects What is Soil Compaction? Soil compaction is the practice of applying mechanical compactive effort to densify a soil by reducing the void space between soil particles. Compaction occurs when particles are pressed together...