Stabilize Soils Using Lime Kiln Dust

Stabilize Soils Using Lime Kiln Dust Lime kiln dust, often referred to as LKD, can be a valuable option for enhancing soil strength and stability, particularly in medium plasticity index (PI) soils. By incorporating LKD into your soil stabilization strategy, you can...

Soil Compaction: Methods, Meaning, and Effects

Soil Compaction: Methods, Meaning, and Effects What is Soil Compaction? Soil compaction is the practice of applying mechanical compactive effort to densify a soil by reducing the void space between soil particles. Compaction occurs when particles are pressed together...

The Importance of Soil Compaction in Construction

The Importance of Soil Compaction in Construction What is the Objective of Soil Compaction? Soil compaction is used to densify a soil by reducing the void space, or the amount of air, between soil particles. In other words, soil compaction occurs when soil particles...