Construction Quicklime (CQL)

Learn more about Mintek’s Cost Effective Solutions for Soils, Sediments, Waste Streams & More! 

Since 1994 Mintek Resources, Inc. has provided solutions to the Environmental, Construction, Agricultural, Oil & Gas, Waste Water Treatment, Industrial markets & more! Our solutions are economical reagents that assist with drying, modifying, stabilizing, neutralizing, and fixating soils, sediments, waste streams, & Contaminants. We are your one-stop shop for Calciment, quicklime, bed ash, fly ash, cement, hydrate lime, & more! 


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3725 Pentagon Blvd. Suite 100
Beavercreek, OH 45431

Fax: 937-431-1305 

Mintek Can Help Save You Time & Money on Your Next Project

Phone: (937) 431-0218

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CQL Benefits for Your Projects 

CQL can save you time and money with all the benefits you trust in Quicklime, plus:

  • Reduced Mellow: Compaction can be done in as little as 4 hours or less depending on the soil type thanks to:   
    • Faster hydration: The conversion from calcium oxide to calcium hydroxide is faster when blended with moist soil.
    • Improved mixing: CQL offers better homogenization with the soil, which further accelerates the lime-soil chemical reactions.
  • Reduced Mixing:  CQL has less need for mixing, particularly in low to moderately plastic soils. Finer particles of CQL lead to better homogenization, eliminating the need for a second mix in many cases.
  • Increased Load Capacity:  Carry more product in a single spreader truck with CQL compared to traditional quicklime, saving
    time and money.
  • Increased Spreading Versatility:  This product was engineered to be compatible across a broader range of spreader trucks. 
  • Even Faster Construction Timelines:  CQL accelerates project schedules with a reduced mellow time and by not needing to remix prior to compaction.
  • Accelerated Early Strength:  Using CQL can provide early strength development, helping you build sooner with a stable
    working platform.

Disclaimer: All results are soil-type specific. CQL is currently regionally available. Contact us to see availability near you.

Watch the Quick Soil Drying Process in Action

What makes Mintek stand out?

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Mintek is the exclusive supplier of Calciment™ a hybrid of Portland Cement and quicklime. 

From pre-project support to flexible fulfillment, Mintek offers unparalleled service including technical expertise, a variety of packaging configurations, and flexible delivery options to accommodate even the most stringent jobsite requirements. Let's discuss how CQL can help you save time and money on your next build.


Quicklime provides the fastest drying to keep projects on time and on budget.

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Distributed Products

Mintek offers a variety of distributed products to assist with drying, modifying and stabilizing soils, waste streams and sentiments.

Hydrate Lime

Formed when quicklime is mixed with water, also known as the slaking process, this results in calcium hydroxide, or Ca(OH)2.


CQL provides rapid soil drying, modification, and stabilization with a mellow period of four hours or less, eliminating the need for a second mix.


Benefits of CQL in Soil Treatment:

CQL has all the benefits of Quicklime (except having various sizing options) plus the following additional features and benefits:

  • Reduced Mellow:  Mellow is the time the contractor must wait from mixing the product with the soil to final compaction of the soil.  Compaction can be done in as little as 2 hours depending on the soil.  This is possible due to:   
    • Faster hydration (conversion from calcium oxide to calcium hydroxide) when blended with moist soil. 
    • Improved mixing (better homogenization) with the soil, which further accelerates the lime-soil chemical reactions. 
  • Reduced Mixing:  Less need for remixing following a mellow, particularly in low to moderately plastic soils. 
  • Increased Spreading Versatility:  The product was engineered to be compactable across a broader range of spreader trucks. 
  • Even Faster Construction Timelines:  CQL improves upon quicklime by potentially further accelerating project schedules by taking advantage of the reduced mellow and/or potential need to not have to remix prior to compaction. 
  • Accelerated Early Strength:  The use of CQL can provide earlier strength development, which provides the contractor with a stable working platform that allows them to complete their work sooner.

Key Features of CQL:

Higher Surface Area
CQL’s higher surface area and finer
top size mean reduced mellow for
your project, plus:

  • Compaction time: 4 hours or less 

  • Faster hydration & chemical reactions

  • Accelerated early strength

Significantly Increased Fineness
CQL’s fineness makes a big impact on
your project timeline:

  • Reduced mixing 

  • Spreading versatility 

  • Better flow 


From our Customers

CQL Differentiators  

CQL has all the features of Quicklime plus the following additional features:

  • Higher surface area = accelerated chemical reactions 
  • Smaller top-size = overall finer product for improved application

Benefits of CQL in Soil Treatment:

CQL has all the benefits of Quicklime (except having various sizing options) plus the following additional features and benefits:

  • Reduced Mellow:  Mellow is the time the contractor must wait from mixing the product with the soil to final compaction of the soil.  Compaction can be done in as little as 2 hours depending on the soil.  This is possible due to:   
    • Faster hydration (conversion from calcium oxide to calcium hydroxide) when blended with moist soil. 
    • Improved mixing (better homogenization) with the soil, which further accelerates the lime-soil chemical reactions. 
  • Reduced Mixing:  Less need for remixing following a mellow, particularly in low to moderately plastic soils. 
  • Increased Spreading Versatility:  The product was engineered to be compacted across a broader range of spreader trucks. 
  • Even Faster Construction Timelines:  CQL accelerates project schedules with a reduced mellow time and by not needing to remix prior to compaction.
  • Accelerated Early Strength:  The use of CQL can provide earlier strength development, which provides the contractor with a stable working platform that allows them to complete their work sooner.


  • All statements are based on preliminary testing
  • All results are soil-type specific
  • Note: CQL is currently regionally available, give us a call to see if it’s available near you

Significantly Increased Fineness 
CQL’s fineness makes a big impact on
your project timeline:

  • Reduced mixing

  • Spreading versatility

  • Better flow

 Higher Surface Area
CQL’s higher surface area and finer
top size mean reduced mellow for
your project, plus: 

  • Compaction time: 4 hours

  • Faster hydration & chemical reactions

  • Accelerated early strength


Let’s discuss how CQL can help you save time and money on your next build. Request a free estimate to get started.




3725 Pentagon Blvd. Suite 100
Beavercreek, OH 45431

Phone: (937) 431-0218

Fax: 937-431-1305 




CQL: The Ultimate Gamechanger for Soil Stabilization

Wednesday, October 16, 2:00 pm EST 


In The Lab

In a recent study involving over 20 different soil samples, including types ranging from CH to SC, quicklime consistently outperformed cement in terms of 7-day compressive strength. On average, quicklime achieved an increase of nearly 40 psi (37 psi) compared to cement. This was especially evident in 13 silty clay (CL) samples, where quicklime showed strength gains of around 150 psi more than cement.

Let's discuss how CQL can help you save time and money on your next build. Request an estimate and take advantage of our complimentary soil testing to get started. 


Additional Benefits of CQL

In addition to the CQL product features and benefits listed above, customers also receive the
following benefits:

  • Decreased Plasticity 
  • Reduced Shrink-Swell 
  • Reduced Moisture 
  • Accelerated Working Platform 
  • Eliminates Remove & Replace 
  • Increases Bearing Capacity & Penetration Resistance
  • Generates Heat for Cold Weather Liming

Learn more about CQL here

CQL's high available lime content can greatly reduce the Plasticity Index (PI) of soils. This improvement in soil workability makes it easier for both equipment and workers to handle.